Project: POC NODES – Spoke 2
MATERIALIZED – MATErial Rheology of a Zero Emission Driving system is a project focusing on benchmarking the Magneto-rheological fluids on the market.
Funded by: Nodes

Developing a new product does not only mean to design and optimize the solution for the higher performance possible, but also to study its capability to be put in an industrial environment. For this reason, it is important to emphasize that once a new technology aimed at reducing emissions is developed, its effectiveness should be evaluated not only in terms of operational emission reduction but also considering the lifespan of both the brake and the vehicle.
For the innovative braking system ZEDS, it is crucial to conduct a detailed cost assessment and a life-cycle assessment of the developed solution. Additionally, it is essential to perform detailed tests on the MR fluid, which is the key element of the proposed technology and capable of changing its viscosity according to the applied magnetic field.
MATERIALIZED – MATErial Rheology Investigation And Lifecycle assessment of a Zero Emission Driving system – is a project focusing on benchmarking the Magneto-rheological fluids on the market, assessing the Life Cycle of the innovative braking system ZEDS, comparing it to a standard frictional braking system and evaluating the cost the innovative solution would have once on the market.